Have you ever considered the complexity of one single tear? From a scientific standpoint, the chemical make-up is as follows: H20+NaCI; or commonly referred to as Human lacrimal fluid, from the lacrimal gland above the eye. Tear fluid contains water, muicin, lipids, lysozyme, lactoferrin, lipocalin, lactritin, immunoglobulins, glucose, urea, sodium ion, chloride ion, and potassium ion. This chemistry mixture probably doesn’t mean much to any of us, but from a human standpoint, it is quite fascinating. Let me challenge your thought process for a moment. For people who engage in true feelings, a tear is a complex form of the human experience that includes absolutely every emotion man/woman could possibly experience. In every solitary tear, all of life is contained in one tiny little orb. Every cell, every emotion, every experience, whether it be physical or spiritual, is contained in one tear. We cry when we grieve, we cry when we are elated, we cry when we are sad, and we cry when we laugh hysterically from sheer joy.
But where and how does a tear actually manifest? There are signs from within our body that a tear is imminent. When a single solitary tear gently streams down our face and is powered by empathy or compassion, our body heats up, our throat gets tight, and we experience a feeling of release. When we hysterically laugh and cry at the same time, the heat may still be in our cheeks but there is no tight throat; just un-bridled joy resounding throughout our entire body. Dramatically resonating like a clanging cymbal, a laughing tear seems to provoke the release of Endorphins, rushing us to that feeling of elation. Grieving tears create a painful moan that seems to take up residence deep within our soul.
But what about those big giant tears that quietly fall down our face when that person is unknowingly shocked with emotions that come to us like a thief in the night? Ah…. now those are what I refer to as “Holy Spirit tears.” THOSE are the tears that come from a deep and a sacred place that only God can define. I know you know what I am referring to; not all tears are alike and not all tears serve the same purpose. But if all tears have the same “chemical” make-up, how can they be so different- how can they serve such different purposes as they respond to the human spirit? I guess that’s where Creation comes into play. We live in such a sophisticated and complex scientific creation of physics and technology, our spirits seem to crash into equations as they witness phenomena such as light eliminating darkness, mourning turning into happiness, and life defying death. We mere humans eventually find ourselves experiencing an undefinable relationship with our Creator that most of us, though we may try, just can’t quite explain. We are always pushing the boundaries of intellectual interpretation, by utilizing reality and spiritual awareness. People who do not believe in God, and only in science (what they can see and touch), are missing the mysterious equation we call life and spirit. In the end, the greatest scientist and physicist of all time, Albert Einstein, acquiesced (attributed?) his brilliance and understanding to God. Even creating the paradigm-altering and un-surpassed “Theory of Relativity,” Einstein gave God the credit. In his own inimitable style, he demonstrated the relationship between creation and science. Raised a deeply religious man, he stepped away from God as he stepped deeper into physics- only to return to the reality that he “Knew God and knew God existed.” Einstein had an intrinsic connection to the process of how God worked through man and science. Somehow, his perception led him to the understanding they might be one and the same: “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.” And, “God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He rules imperially.”
Somehow Einstein understood the invisible connection between God and man, faith and science. Einstein was a passionate man powered by the love of his family, and also devastated by the loss of his younger son to Schizophrenia. Imagine this brilliant physicist having to witness his son institutionalized for life. He had to watch in disbelief, as all of his scientific knowledge and experience left him powerless. Einstein was unable to do a single thing for his son- except the shedding of many tears in frustration and grief. Even the brilliance of Einstein could not change the “science” of an un-seen destroyer of the mind and spirit. But he continued on, powered his by his scientific theories as they became a piece of historical prominence that literally changed the world of science and physics forever. I wonder what Einstein would have deduced from the concept that the totality of one small tear contained all of the emotions, spirit, mind and science of man? Somehow I think he would have seen the mystery of God contained in the tears he cried for his son. Even Webster had a hard time defining certain words like love and spirit.
Sometimes we have to trust what we cannot see or feel. That is where “relationship” begins, and doubt goes out the door. “I want to know God’s thoughts- the rest are details.” (Albert Einstein) The idea of not defining everything with science frightens a lot of people. I guess it is a lack of being able to let go, and release the smoke and mirrors of what we call control. Think about it; you may TRY and control a tear, but in the end a tear controls you. As it streams down your face, it sends you down a long tunnel into a pool of “essence” called emotion. Now- does science or God create emotion? You can’t define emotion by physics or science- yet, you can feel, see, and touch it as an emotion triggers a human experience called a tear. Maybe what we cannot see truly exists in the faith that it simply does exist; faith, after all is a decision, then a relationship.
So dear ones, the next time you feel a warm, wet, un-explained phenomenon called a tear, thank God for His creation. Thank God you are human enough to respond with a tear. As you feel the tear fall down your cheek, feel its warmth- as there are never any “cold” tears. At that moment, engage the emotion and know that God has given you the gift of feeling. Good or bad, the tear is the release- a gift, so to say, directly from God, for the sole purpose of comforting you as you go through whatever is overwhelming your heart. For it is in the heart that God searches YOUR spirit with His. Do not be afraid; embrace all things, love all things, love all circumstances. For in every second of every day, the miracle of a waiting tear is hidden behind your eyes- waiting to serve a specific purpose for your better good. From this moment on, please know God is always with you….contained in one tear, contained in one life and one spirit. For in the shedding of just one tear, all of God’s miraculous creation is instantly manifested on earth as it is in Heaven. You may have believed you could not see God, but the next time you shed a tear, remember that it is God’s tear and it was shed just for you. You are God’s special and unique creation. God never makes mistakes. He knows every hair on your head, every mysterious nuance that prevails in your life. He knows the road we tread, the decisions we make as we enter the specific paths we choose to walk in our lives. He knows the pain and the sorrow, the good and the bad, the laughter and the tears. But the greatest mystery of all is the enormous and unconditional love He has for each and every one of us. That is the beginning and the end- that is the source that carries us through our darkest hour. Even Einstein gave tribute to God in the end: “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.”