I first met Sarah Lucero as she was walking up the stairs to KENS 5. I was immediately struck with her stately presence. This was obviously a great woman of strength and warmth.
As we began our interview I had no idea it would entail tears, laughter, a behind the scenes look into our community and a commentary on the state of the American family. There was virtually nothing we didn’t cover in a few hours! Neither of us really wanted the day to end! This was one of the most informative interviews I have ever had.
This woman is completely genuine and has a huge heart for all people in need. Sarah deeply cares about the welfare of our children and the welfare of the future of America. We discussed bank bailouts, teenage pregnancy, community involvement programs, God in her life and of course- her beloved family. Sarah discusses her pregnancy and the effects of a ten-year “intermission” in-between children and how it has impacted her life as an anchorwoman. She discusses how life has dramatically changed in America and what we can do about it.
By the end of this interview, you will know the real Sarah- the woman who graciously comes into your home each evening and shares the news with you. You will get to know her heart and the depth of devotion she has for her job, community and family. This is a woman of extraordinary beauty- inside and out. This is a woman who humbly gives thanks to God for all the blessings she experiences on a daily basis.
This dear readers, is the real Sarah Lucero; The committed, strong, loving and sincere Sarah. This is a story about the power of the heart- the story of Sarah Lucero: revered news anchor for KENS 5- San Antonio,Texas.